Rev Karlo Kolong

The Power of Imagination -The Sudanese and African Fiction 

Imagination is a powerful force that surpasses the boundaries of our known world, allowing us to explore the depths of the human spirit. In the captivating book “Welcome to Sudanese and African Fictions: Welcome to the House of Knowledge,” Rev Karlo Kolong sheds light on the significance of fiction in our lives and its connection to the unknown realm. Rev Karlo Kolong emphasizes the role of imagination, the power of parables, and the intrinsic connection between fiction and our cognitive minds.

Rev Karlo Kolong declares that humanity is intricately linked to the spirit world, and fiction gives glimpses into this supernatural realm. Similar to the parables shared by Jesus Christ, fictions invite us to imagine and contemplate what may exist or come to exist. They ignite our creative faculties and expand our horizons, encouraging us to think beyond the confines of our tangible reality.

In recognizing the existence of the world of imagination, we acknowledge the profound connection between our cognitive minds and the divine source of all thinking—God himself.

Across nations and cultures, fictions hold a special place in our collective consciousness. They inspire and captivate us, fueling our belief in the unseen and the extraordinary. While fiction may not represent tangible realities, they offer profound insights and lessons, much like the parables of Jesus Christ.

Rev Karlo Kolong’s book highlights the universal presence of fiction in various communities, shedding light on their role in shaping our perspectives and expanding our understanding of the world.