Rev Karlo Kolong

Take Your Mind to a Garage – Get Spiritual Care in the Church

Rev Karlo Kolong’s “Take Your Mind to a Garage: General Knowledge” book invites all mankind to actively participate in the Church and embrace the opportunity to accept their mistakes and seek forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

Drawing a parallel between caring for a car and tending to our human spirits, Rev Karlo emphasizes the importance of regular spiritual care to experience peace and happiness within the Church. The Church serves as a gathering place for families, friends and a community that nurtures love, forgiveness, and unity in the presence of God, our maker.

He beautifully illustrates that just as a car needs weekly washing, our spirits require regular care. Sundays symbolize a day of spiritual cleansing, where individuals come together in the Church to cleanse their souls and renew their connection with God. This dedicated time allows for physical and spiritual cleanliness, leading to inner peace and harmony. Within the walls of the Church, believers find solace and joy as they gather with their spiritual family.

One of the profound aspects of the Church is the emphasis on forgiveness and unity. As we stand before God, our maker, we are encouraged to forgive one another, fostering a spirit of love and reconciliation.