Rev Karlo Kolong

Rebuilding the Broken Relationship – Insights from “How Can Covid19 be in My Lungs with the Holy Spirit?”

In the face of global challenges, it is essential to recognize that God has never abandoned humanity; instead, we have drifted away from our relationship with Him. In the thought-provoking book “How Can Covid19 be in My Lungs with the Holy Spirit? Covid19 is International Pain,” Rev Karlo Kolong sheds light on the path to international healing by urging us to return to God, our maker. 

Rev Karlo Kolong highlights the timeless wisdom found in 2 Chronicles 7:14, where God declares that if His people confess their sins and call upon His name, He will come down and heal their bodies and lands. This promise resonates deeply in a world grappling with the pain of Covid-19 and various other challenges. It reminds us that by acknowledging our mistakes, seeking forgiveness, and actively inviting God into our lives, we can begin the journey of restoration and healing.

He draws attention to the importance of vertical reconciliation—the mending of our relationship with God—over horizontal reconciliation alone. While horizontal reconciliation among individuals and communities is crucial, the cement of vertical reconciliation with God holds the foundation of our lives together. By prioritizing our connection with God, seeking His forgiveness, and aligning our actions with His divine principles, we pave the way for true healing and restoration, individually and collectively.

“How Can Covid19 be in My Lungs with the Holy Spirit?: Covid19 is International Pain” by Rev Karlo Kolong serves as a call to action for global healing and reconciliation. By acknowledging our shortcomings, confessing our sins, and seeking God’s forgiveness, we can rebuild our broken relationship with Him. As we place our faith in God’s power, we unlock the potential for miraculous healing in our bodies, lands, and economies.