Rev Karlo Kolong

Critical Lies Within the Reasoning Society

Critical Lies Within the Reasoning Society


The “Critical lies within the reasoning society” book is a must-read for anyone who values honesty and integrity. In this book, Karlo Kolong delves into the different types of lies that exist in our society and their impacts on our personal and national lives.


The “Critical lies within the reasoning society” book is a must-read for anyone who values honesty and integrity. In this book, Karlo Kolong delves into the different types of lies that exist in our society and their impacts on our personal and national lives. The author argues that lies are as old as creation and that we cannot avoid conflicts arising from dishonesty. However, the book emphasizes that we can rely on God to help us solve conflicts, as He is clean and neutral. He says 75% of lies in the world of reasoning are destructive, while only 25% are constructive. Most people use lies for economic gain, and very few uses lie for fun. Sometimes comedians practice lies to make people happy. 95% of the world, seven billion on earth, live under the ocean of such ethics.

Kolong highlights the prevalence of lies in our society and their negative effects on our health, economy, and social balance.


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