Rev Karlo Kolong

No Breakthrough Prayers Inside Idol Nations – Discovering the Path to Peace

“No Breakthrough Prayers Inside Idol Nations: Idols are a Waste of Time,” Rev Karlo Kolong issues a warning to nations that have strayed from the teachings of the Bible. He highlights the inherent inability of these nations to find true peace, as they lack knowledge of the divine connection to God. 

Through the words of Jesus Christ in John 14:6, “I am the way the truth and life no one comes to the father in heaven without me” Rev Karlo Kolong emphasizes that true peace and access to the Father in heaven can only be attained through Jesus himself. This powerful message serves as a wake-up call, urging nations to seek the path of peace offered by Jesus, the embodiment of truth and life.

He emphasize every nation yearns for peace, but true peace evades those who remain outside the realm of the Bible. Without knowledge of Jesus, nations struggle to establish a genuine connection with God, restricting their prayers from reaching His ears. 

Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life, provides the pathway for all nations to attain peace. 

Kolong cautions against relying on idols as a means to find peace. These false representations of divine power and guidance prove futile and wasteful in pursuing true spiritual connection. Instead, the focus should be on Jesus, who embodies peace for all nations.