Rev Karlo Kolong

Embracing the Presence of God – Insights from “Jesus Christ is the Author of Life”

Throughout history, humanity has sought to understand and connect with the divine. In his enlightening book “Jesus Christ is the Author of Life: Where is the Source of Life?” Rev Karlo Kolong emphasizes the ever-present nature of God in the lives of His children. Highlighting the visibility of God through Jesus Christ and the universal call to embrace the Gospel message for all of humanity.

Rev Karlo Kolong challenges the notion that God is distant and invisible, emphasizing the tangible presence of God through His son, Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:4 reminds us that God, in His infinite wisdom, sent Jesus to live among humanity, bridging the gap between the divine and the human. Through His life, teachings, and sacrificial death, Jesus exemplified the love and compassion of God, serving as a visible representation of divine grace and salvation.

Rev Karlo Kolong highlights the vital role of every Christian in disseminating the Gospel message to all corners of the earth. Jesus entrusted His followers with the responsibility to share the Good News, ensuring no one can say, “I did not hear.” As believers, we are called to be witnesses of God’s transformative power and the life-giving message of Jesus Christ. 

John 14:6 reminds us that those who believe in Jesus will see God. We can encounter the divine presence in our lives through our faith and relationship with Christ. The visible manifestation of God’s love, mercy, and guidance brings comfort, hope, and a deep sense of purpose. By surrendering ourselves to the teachings of Jesus, we open the doors to a profound connection with the Creator, experiencing His grace and experiencing His presence.