Rev Karlo Kolong

Connecting Nations with Their Creator

In “Nations Under Spiritual Measurements,” Rev Karlo Kolong passionately highlights the failure of national leaders to follow God, the author of life, peace, and a thriving economy. With a heartfelt desire to unite all nations with their creator, he emphasizes the need for countries to reestablish their spiritual connection with God through His son, Jesus Christ. 

Recognizing that all nations have sinned and strayed from the spiritual house of God, this book serves as a guiding light, offering a path to forgiveness, peace, and national guidance.

Rev Karlo Kolong reminds readers that all nations originated from the Biblical God and must obey and surrender to this divine authority. By doing so, nations can experience the blessings of a flourishing economy, lasting peace, and divine guidance. God’s love extends to all nations, and His forgiveness awaits those who humbly acknowledge their mistakes and surrender their lives to Jesus, the author of life, peace, and prosperity.

Rev Karlo Kolong’s book envisions a world where nations are connected to their creator, experiencing the blessings of aligning with God’s will. By embracing the teachings of Jesus and following His path, nations can unlock the keys to economic prosperity, sustainable peace, and national prosperity.